Oasis Sea World - Swim with Dolphins at Oasis Sea World - Chanthaburi ThailandSwim with Dolphins at Oasis Sea World. Just before Laem Sing beach is the Oasis Sea World which attracts visitors who wish to swim with dolphins and delight in watching the exciting dolphin shows. Laem Sing is only 3 km from Oasis sea world where they have an entertaining dolphin show every hour. The dolphins are mainly those accidentally caught in fisherman's nets in the Gulf of Thailand. Trained by Thai experts, they are now capable of showing off their high degree of ability. There are five shows daily. You can swim with the dolphins in a separate pool after each show for up to a whole hour. Swimming with dolphins is something most people dream of doing, but somehow only a few actually pursue this dream. Most people seem to think that it's impossible to find dolphins in the wild or just don't have sufficient funds to travel around the globe, hoping to find a pod of wild dolphins and then get close enough to actually swim with those dolphins. Others might feel that they would have to share the intimacy of the dolphin encounter with hundreds of other people in a small wading pool and thus only get to spend a few seconds with these friendly sea mammals without any real contact.
Dolphin Show and Dolphin Swimming Times Oasis sea world is open 7 days a week from 09:00 till 18:00
Show times 09:00 - 09:35 , 11:00 - 11:35 , 13:00 - 13:35 , 15:00 - 15:35 , 17:00 - 17:35